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Discussion Room (Education Library) Capacity: 12

Discussion Room


The Discussion Room has a TV screen that you can connect to from your own device. VGA and HDMI cables provided.

The room can seat up to 12 with a variety of seating, the tables can be moved around as well as folded away.

Occasionally, library staff may need to enter the room to retrieve journals for other readers during your booking.

If there are no bookings, you are welcome to use the room for individual or group study on a first-come, first-served basis.

University of Oxford members: please use the search options on this page to check availability and place a booking for your chosen times.

Bodleian Reader Card holders: please email with details of your requested booking. Please include the date, start time, finish time and the number of attendees.

Natural light
Audio Visual Facilities (see room description)


Ask at reception for directions to the room.

   Available    Your Booking    Times Not Available