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Discussion Room 2 (Bodleian Law Library) Capacity: 6

Discussion Room 2


This room is suitable for up to 6 people. It has audio-visual equipment. Basic instructions are provided, and equipment can be borrowed from the Enquiry Desk. It also has a whiteboard.

University of Oxford members: please use the search options on this page to check availability and place a booking for your chosen times.

Bodleian Reader Card holders: If you are wanting to book a room for Bodleian or Oxford University purposes, please email with details of your requested booking.

Step free access
Audio Visual Facilities (see room description)


This room is on the ground floor of the Law Library. You enter the Library on Level 2 and so you need to go down 2 flights of stairs or use the lift and going to Level 0. Stairs can be found past the main enquiry desk with the lift next to them. If you use the lift, just walk straight down the corridor as you exit the lift and Discussion Room 2 can be found towards the end of the corridor on the right hand side. If you use the stairs, you will need to turn left as you exit, turn right at the lift and then follow the corridor to the end.

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