KC Group Study Room (Knowledge Centre Library at the Old Road Campus) Capacity: 8

The capacity of the room is 8 people. There are power sockets in the room. A small whiteboard/flipchart and markers are provided. The room has both Bodleian Libraries and Eduroam wifi, for OUH users a temporary wifi password may be provided. You may connect your laptop to the screen using a HDMI cable, or wirelessly by screen casting. A HDMI cable is provided in the room, adaptors can be provided on request. A laptop is available for loan to use in the group study room. Please let us know in advance of your booking if you wish to borrow a laptop (hcl-knowledgecentre@bodleian.ox.ac.uk).
Drinks and cold food are allowed.
The room is on the ground floor and access is step free.
MSD users only: The room is set up for hybrid meetings with a camera and microphone. To use this you must login to the computer connected to the screen. The room is left unlocked and may be used outside of bookable hours by those with out of hours access to the Old Road Campus Research Building (ORCRB).
If you do not arrive within the first 15 minutes of your booking we may allocate the room to someone else.
Step free access
Audio Visual Facilities (see room description)
The Knowledge Centre is located on the Ground Floor of the Old Road Campus Research Building.